So, it’s pretty clear why you need a budget when planning your wedding. However, how to set a wedding budget is a different task. The earlier in the process you set your wedding budget the better off you will be. Wedding planner, Gayle of Events By Gayle suggests
“There are many helpful budget trackers for weddings that can be found online. Print one out and start filling it out the best you can. It is very important to start the planning process with a budget and work backward from there. A great wedding planner can also help a couple with their budget since they are familiar with what the local vendors charge for their product or service.”
The first step in setting a budget is to set your expectations and by that I mean make sure you have a realistic budget in mind. You can’t plan a $100,000 wedding on a $10,000 budget so being realistic is the best way to make sure your wedding day is the perfect day.#2
The second step in setting your budget is to know where the funds will be coming from and exactly what sort of funds you will need to plan your wedding. If both sides of the family are offering to contribute to the expenses it is important to know what that number is so you can add it to the budget and start breaking down your spending
The third step in setting your budget is to have a good sense of what sort of wedding you want to plan. If you are considering a large, formal wedding at a large venue you will need to plan for certain types of budget areas whereas if you are planning a small, backyard style wedding you might not have to.
The fourth and perhaps most important step in planning your wedding budget is to “choose your non-negotiables”, meaning figure out what areas of your wedding are especially important to you and your partner and what areas you might be willing to compromise on or even do without.